18 July 2011

About Poem "Alice"

This poem is based on a TWS fan fiction by Openhome, Singularity.  This story affected me in a manner similar to the original TWS.  One reason I think that I am inspired with these poems is a way to say thank you to the authors and pay a small tribute to them for their work to sharing their stories.  Openhome is also an administrator for Ramblings and Thoughts (R&T), a canon TWS fan fiction site. I sent her the first two poems asking if appropriate to the site for posting.  She posted them and set things up for me to post other works.  That was a big encouragement to my writing and sharing.  It is scary sharing these and now more so with this blog.  Anyway....so I started thinking about what could I do to say thank you to her and this poem came out.  It is a summary of the story which is about Alice from waking as a vampire to meeting Jasper.  Singularity is a really good story.  Alice has lots of adventures as she discovers things about herself.  It is available at both R&T and fanfiction.net (ff.net) - see 'web site visit regularly' on right side.

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