06 April 2020

My Life through objects: blankets and pillows

This record is to be part of my Last Will and Testament. That document is done and provides basics. Then one adds a list for specific items. Due to Covid 19 pandemic, I can't print out at library, so posting to my blog. 

First up is the afghan from Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 that I won at Prop Store on line auction November 2017. It is one of two pieces of Twilight that I am keeping. It is appears briefly in the Christmas at Charlie's scene on the corner of the couch. 

Red plaid throw blanket was a birthday/Christmas gift from Dawn Rosencrance in November 2016. 

Blue dragon scale afghan was handmade by Gay Bunnell and was Christmas 2018 gift. It is heavy like a weighted blanket and helps when I am feeling anxious. 

Blue with white stars and red trim was made by Deb Fyer. There are pillows to match. She was moving and downsizing and this set was one of the things I bought from her. 

White with red flowers quilt was another item I bought from Deb. It is a full or queen size. I was thinking of upgrading to a larger bed. I have since decided not to and need to pass this one along to someone who can use it. 

White with multiple coloured flowers comforter, I found when packing up. I am pretty sure it was on my mother's bed, possible to have been on Aunt Betty's bed. I decided to use it as my primary bed covering when I moved to Sequim. It is bright and colorful and different from the ones I had had on my bed. 

There are lightweight blankets in pastels, one pink, one blue. I've had for long time. I needed lightwt blanket and these came as a set. I do not like pastels and small print fabric. They do function well as something less warm than comforter and warmer than just a sheet. 

There are two sets of bright colored shams - pillow and comforter. I've had for long while when wanted to change things up. One had down comforter from Aunt Betty and the other had comforter from my mother's bed. 

The cowboy down comforter is nearly as old as I am. I remember having it in Illinois when Jay and I shared room in trailer with bunk beds, about 1952. I don't have both, just this one. It has been cleaned, but the down doesn't stay in place - not sectioned. I'd like to take it apart and dump the feathers and put in lightwt fiber fill.

The pillows - two of each - were an home ec project senior year of high school, 1967. My bedroom was in dark green curtains and bedcover. So went other way with the red, yellow, orange for the 'sitting room'. 

Ancient quilt may be handmade by grandmother and aunt. I thought there were three old quilts that we found when mother passed away. This is only one I've found. Other two to Jay/Barb and Robert/Patti?? I don't know what to do with it. It is not in best of shape. [need picture]