20 November 2017

Twilight Auction Records and general info

Last year on 19 and 20 November 2016 the Prop Store held a live auction of Twilight costumes and props in Hollywood. There were 900 lots. This year there was a second and last auction on line only that ran from 16 to 19 November 2017. There were about 636 lots this time. Last year I had very little extra to spend on bidding, most of my extra money went to the trip to attend in person. Both auctions were very interesting and unique experience. This year having sold my condo for more than expected I had some extra money to bid on items.

Once the catalog was available I looked over the items and picked out initially 44 lots to watch. As bidding started items were deleted. I checked with Jack Morrissey and Lissy Andros on interest in the books available. I checked with a couple of other people on their possible interests. No one else was interested in the books.  One (1) copy of Wurthering Heights was listed. One (1) copy of Robert Frost poems and Bella’s notebook was listed. And multiple copies of Romeo & Juliet and Merchant of Venice were available.

Besides the books there were three (3) lots of vinyl LP records from Edward’s collection. I knew someone who would be interested in that. There was a model of the Swan home that I was really interested in. Shipping that was really expensive and then add in cost of protective case to display, I let it go. There were some boxes/trunks, one especially, that were of interest. There was a camera of great interest. There were some blankets that were of minor interest initially.

By the day before final day, I had list of about 20 items that I was interested in. The model, camera, and all but one blanket went away. The remaining blanket kept drawing me. My living room décor has red as an accent color. It also reminded me of  Windchymes’ stories with a blanket. So by the night before, I was down to five (5) different items with about 15 lots.

The first items of interest were the lots of records. My friend Anna Buttram was interested and bidding on the second set. She has helped me downsize by accepting my turntable/cassette/CD unit and some of my LP’s and 45’s. She was outbid on her lot. Some comments were made on the Facebook thread. I was contacted by the winner of the third lot, Elke Van der Sctricht. We reached an agreement. Anna will get the third lot. All three of us win and contribute.

I had placed a max bid on one of the trunks. I started hoping I would be outbid. Priorities were shifting to the books and red blanket. The blanket would cost less to ship and really add to my new home. Fortunately I was outbid on the trunk.
Friday dawned and got set up with both computers and phone charged and ready. The new Dell one drives me nuts with Windows 10 and just the way it responds to the pad. It was set up on the main page to monitor the whole items. The old Lenovo was set up on just my watch list and the one I used to bid. I had snack and easy food to eat.

The records were good practice. I started shaking with the R&J books and especially when I won. I took a break and went for a walk and ate. I checked in with Jan off/on and her bid remained high one on the Merchant of Venice. Then came my bidding on clean copy of Merchant of Venice and finally the red blanket.  Details of the wins are in their own posts. 

This is posted without prereader review, please be kind in reporting errors. 

1 comment:

  1. It is fun to read your experiences with the auction. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
