22 April 2018

WJ 15 to 22 April 2017 recovery

WJ=weekly journal since no OPA happening right now
Sunday in bed, positive voice getting louder and stronger against the negative. 
Monday: black overwhelming cloud lifted enough to get taxes done. Couldn't find HUD paperwork from condo sale, so guessed at cost to sell figure. Found info from when bought it. Thought I had kept it in one of portable file totes, even if legal size. Can't find things. So unorganized. Sold condo for more than the $250K exemption, so owe lots. Bought it for less than remembered. SCCCU checking had enough to cover both fed and state taxes owed. Apparently moving expenses are only deduction if work related. Big bummer. Got mail, strange stuff from Kaiser. Think I have a WAVE bill somewhere not yet paid. 
Tuesday: 1130hrs and three loads of laundry done, two sets of sheets and socks with second one and load of delicates hanging to dry from door things as I need to take a shower and could not do that with them hanging in middle of bathroom. Did some exercises, had breakfast, and read while doing the laundry. Ants have found one of the traps. Hope take back to nest and they all die. or at least stay outside. Surprised have skin left. Didn't sleep so well, up about 4, made master 'to do' list. Partial check off taxes, checked off a couple of other simple easy ones. Think I just use that pad to tack the projects. Finger stick left finger tip black/blue and kinda hurts. Thinking time to see if nap for a couple of hours. Should shower, wash hair and then go to Coop, they pay sales tax today. Did a fourth load, towels, after my shower. Then laid down with heating pad on back while washer and drier did their thing. Found some cards and new craft thing to try at The Co-Op. 
Wednesday: mostly in or on bed trying to sleep. did load of cold wash, hang dry outer clothes. did the butterfly sticker stained glass. pretty. short leisure walk after dinner. 
Thursday: some grocery shopping, pick up mail. Incomplete duplicate title request notice from California. 
Friday: Spring Fling craft fair at Senior Center. Got a little Scentcy Travel trailer melter and pillow with lighthouse and sailboat on it. One vendor had paint yourself TShirts - one was Space Cadet, ordered one. There was a LaLaRue vendor there. Didn't see any I liked. Then went to Clamllam county fairgrounds for Vintage and Craft item fair. Got some lemongrass scent to melt, keep the ants away. Got some chocolate. Got two butterfly hot pads. Saw an inlay wood box, Pan playing flute design. Tempted to stop by tomorrow and see if still there. Also saw some pyrex nested mixing bowls, like mom had. Home for news and dinner. Tracy asked if I was ok, upset with her. Told her not upset, just not chatty enough. Started to be able to list things I have done in positive manner. Mostly done morning exercises, mostly walk every day. Fixed couple of meals that weren't totally bought processed frozen meal. Progress out of the overwhelm black pit.
Saturday: up and gathered stuff to take to Forks including change of clothes if get too wet on river float. Took shower and dressed in warm walking clothes for river float. see OPA post for more. 
Sunday: actually slept last night! didn't get up to use bathroom. woke up and went right back to sleep. Amazing. Made it to church, a little late, but there. Took a nap once home. When woke up went for a walk. Wrote some emails, watched my mysteries. A good day. 

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