21 May 2019


I believe life begins at conception. 

This is a faith based belief, thought, and feeling. It resonates to me as truth. As such abortion is murder and all involved are guilty. 

I understand and accept that others do not agree with that belief, thought, feeling. As such it is a private decision between the two parties directly involved and their god/higher power belief system. I think that the mother's choice should take priority over the sperm donor's. 

It is none of my business to know or judge. Nor is it anyone else's business to know or judge. I believe that judgment will happen to all of us eventually. 

Being a faith based decision and to keep separation of church and state intact, it is none of government's business to know or judge.

Making abortion illegal is not the way to make it not happen. Look at what happened with making alcohol illegal.

We need to make preventing pregnancy easy to access and very affordable. We need to educate youth on how to avoid pregnancy until ready. We need to educate youth on options in the case of pregnancy. I really like the idea of making sperm donors accountable as soon as conception is confirmed and deny rapists any and all parental rights, child support is an obligation not a right. 

We need to make adoption less a sigma - for parents and child - and less expensive, easier while maintaining adequate checks for children to go to good home. We need to support pregnancies that are unwanted but also the mother doesn't want to abort, that would include lost wages. We need to make adoption an affordable option for birth mother to have a healthy baby and life. 

People need to step up and adopt, too many say they will or would and never do or only if certain restrictions are met about the child. Parameters for parents/home need not be limited by age, gender or income, but based on heart, situation and psyche. 

We need to educate people about our faith based belief, hope that they will come to understand and think/feel/belief the same way about how precious life is and begins at conception. In the meantime we need to accept that others do not share our belief and give them the choice of a safe medical procedure.