Friday 13 September 13. Scary day? Not so much here. Cloudy all day, good weather for our vampires to be out and about. Started off with walk to Tillicum Park to check in and get breakfast for Forever in Forks group.
It was heavy misting or light rain for most of the walk. Not unpleasant, didn't get soaked at all, just a little wet. I was one of last ones and good thing walked as no parking available. There wasn't enough seating available either. Met and chatted with a few ladies, in line and at table. The good bag was fun - drawstring backpack style with Bella's engagement ring, TWS inspired soap sample, FiF landyard, sunglasses, slap wrist bracelet, FiF button, Twilight postcard, instructions for scavenger hunt and a hard back book, The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa.
The rain stopped before got to the park and hadn't started up again so dry walk back to motel. I stopped at the Chinook Pharmacy and General Store to look around more than did the other day. Interesting place. Fabric, toys, over the counter meds, gifts/souvenirs - sort of felt like back in Old West general store.
Then to First Beach and picnic lunch with Olympic coven.
Looks a little different from two days ago with thick fog couldn't see the islands at all. They are much closer than thought they would be from pictures of the area.
The Olympic Coven was delayed getting there because Stephenie Meyer came to town more or less unannounced. She was at the Chamber of Commerce/Visitor info signing and meeting the Olympic Coven. Lunch was good, more meeting and chatting with different folks. Stephenie came to our area but stayed away from the lunch site...word got around. Didn't have a chance to talk with her, but did see her and cried about it. I don't know who the other lady is.
She said that she would be back. She had to go meet with Mayor and open SM Day. Apparently she hadn't been here for several years for this yearly event. We were richly blessed. I ended up leaving for a break since no specific time for bon fire and S'mores. Didn't make it back to First beach for the bon fire and SM visit for variety of reasons.
Went to the Roundhouse for the music fest for a few minutes. Talked with the Hindi Sisters from The Hillywood Show. Then to the FiF fan fiction discussion. Interesting discussion about stories never heard of and from sounds of won't likely read - sounds like most would be M rated. Back to Roundhouse to see the end of Eclipse parody and then the two Breaking Dawn ones. Hilly and Hannah answered questions after that. Getting tired and had to update this, so I left after a couple of questions. Heard that SM was suppose to show up at the Roundhouse, don't know if she did or not. The Hindi Sisters met SM for the first time during their meet and greet at Sully's Burgers.
Tomorrow is visit to Hoh Rainforest - aka Bella's First Hunt trip. So off to bed for me.
A place to share my poems and writings. Swedish proverb: "Shared joy is double joy. Shared sorrow is half sorrow." Maggie Kuhn: "Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." Disclaimer: no copyright infringement intended for Anne McCaffrey, Andre Norton, Stephenie Meyer and all fan fiction authors. Where there is a specific source, credit is given. You all have inspired me. Thank you.
Sounds like you've had some good things going with the goodies and the people you've met.
ReplyDeleteSorry you haven't been able to get to everything.
The rainforest should be beautiful. I hope the weather cooperates. Have fun!
How cool! Glad you got to see her.
ReplyDeleteThis is so fun Abby! I know I am now reading and looking at the posts Backward but you have had some happenings! I am so glad you went and did what you wanted to do even though some of us were party poopers and didn't go with you!
ReplyDeleteLove ya