16 September 2013

SMD Olympic Coven Pictures Saturday and Sunday

First a couple of Emmett arm wrestling a fan.

Then at the group photo in front of Forks High School.

Bella and Edward were a little late getting there. Wonder what they were doing?

The coven in front of the collected fans.

At the Hoh Rainforest Hall of Mosses Trail

James stalking the humans while Alice and Rosalie take a break.

Saturday night's Forever in Forks party Jasper and karaoke.

Sunday at Nessie's Birthday party at Miller Tree Inn aka Cullen's Home


  1. You got to see the coven together a lot!
    I especially like your photo of James through the ferns.
    One of the things I liked in the movie was the graduation caps, and it's nice that they put that detail in this house.
    Did they have cake at Nessie's birthday party? :)

  2. These are great shots! I have been nursing my hubby so I haven't been on so much the last few days. It is fun the looks of the actors. there are a few Wigs I HATE!!! but most of the rest look fun and reasonably appropriate. I to like the James in the trees and ferns. Good Job!

    You look like you had fun!
    Love ya!
