Thursday 2 February: actually finished up refrig magnets memories with Calico angel
Monday 6 Feb: Scriptures
The most significant books in my life are the Scriptures – The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine & Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price. The first two most important. I remember getting a white leather zipper case Bible when I joined the Methodist Church formally when I was about 9 years old. Last time I saw it, the spine had cracked and mostly off. The pages were really thin and I had to be careful reading it. It had my name imprinted on cover. At the time I did not read it cover to cover but used it for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.
Growing up I had a few encounters with members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days. It was not until I was in my mid 20’s that
I made a serious investigation. Missionaries taught me. I received a witness
that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and translated the Book of Mormon and
restored Christ’s Church in these latter days. I was baptized and join the LDS Church.
All these years later, I still feel that witness and that this path is correct
for me. I’ve had some questioning times over particular things, but to me the
doctrine is true.
Thursday 9 Feb: Tom Swift Jr series & Daybreak 2250 AD
by Andre Norton
I remember reading Bobbsey Twin and Nancy Drew Mystery books and others. Then about age 9 found the Tom Swift Jr books in my brother’s room and borrowed them. Great fun books. Then found Daybreak – 2250AD by Andre Norton. Hooked on science friction. I’ve read a lot of her books. Not all of them are science fiction. The Witch World and Solar Queen are two favorite series. Some of early ones were double books.
Monday 13 Feb: Too Near the Throne & Desiree
I was in 9th grade when read Too Near the Throne by Molly Costain Haycraft and Desiree by Annamarie Selinko a year later. Both are novelized biographies. Too Near the Throne is based on life of Lady Arabella Stuart, royal birth put her near the Scottish Throne. Desiree is based on life of Desiree Clary, first love of Napoleon Bonaparte who eventually became queen of Sweden. Both books point out the hazards of royalty and power.
Monday 20 Feb: Peyton Place by Grace Metalious was the book to read in 11th grade, in mid 60s, often hidden from parents and teachers, more interesting than World History. The standout scene for me was the abortion that became an appendectomy. Even then the idea of medical procedure being forced to back alleys and the problems of that was not right.
Thursday 23 Feb: A Tale of Two Cities was the first book I
reread. I was a senior in college. My boyfriend at the time introduced me to
the concept of rereading a book. Haven’t been able to clean bookshelves quickly
ever since then. He introduced me to some old classic science fiction books –
Azimov’s Foundation Trilogy (the original three) and Heinlein’s Stranger in a
Strange Land are the two standouts.
This was the last one posted to Facebook. Plan to keep it
up and post on my blog but not on Facebook.
Monday 27 Feb: Ben Hur: a Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace. Not sure when I read the book other than it was after seeing the movie. There are parts of the story told in letters and I picked up some things about letter salutation and closing from this book.
Thursday 2 March 2023: Edgar Rice Burroughs Venus and Mars series. These I read instead of studying for finals the last couple of years of college.
Monday 6 March: Added Upon by Nephi Anderson was a gift from a friend while I was investigating joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They were members and he was a co-worker. There is a scene that takes place in heaven where a girl is talking with a small group and a boy come up. She is shocked that he is there, it wasn’t his time but he committed suicide as he felt he could not live without her.
Thursday 9 March: Childhood End by Arthur C Clarke. I read
this while station at a remote base. Humanity doesn’t survive as humans. It is
kind of depressing. There wasn’t anyone to talk with about the book, not sure
why it was in our library. It kind of depressed me for a few days while
processing the story. It is a classic and recommend reading it, just not when
more or less alone and where there is not much happening to balance out the depressing
Monday 13 March: The Twilight Saga original books and fan
fiction. At a church women’s group meeting some middle-aged women were talking
about Twilight. I had seen it and read back cover and didn’t strike my fancy, I’m
not into vampires and werewolves at all. Their overheard conversation got me curious,
and I asked one if I could borrow the book. That was January 2010. The first
two movies had already been released, the third due out that summer. I read it
and was hooked a few chapters in. I could not put it down. Once done I kept
picking it up and rereading parts until I could get the other books. I had been
numb in my depressed state for a long while and Twilight got me to feel again for
better or worse. It changed my life. I found fan fiction and prefer some of
those stories over the original. The movies are ok. I went to the Eclipse
marathon with a local group that didn’t really include me as I was new. I went
to a midnight release of the DVD of one of the movies, again people in line
weren’t so friendly. I read about Stephenie Meyer Days in Forks Washington. It
was 10 years ago this month. I prayed about it, looked at cost, prayed and I
went. I have met some wonderful folks. On the drive up I felt like I was coming
home. I was born in Tacoma Wa while my father was stationed at Ft Lewis. I had
already retired and figured I wouldn’t stay in California in a two-story condo
with knees and hips causing problems and was considering where to move. That
trip and my nieces and nephews all saying that they were not going to stay
where they were at, so I decided to go where I wanted to and that was the
Olympic Peninsula. I’ve been here since 2018. Glad I moved. As I said life
Added Monday 17 April 2023: Magic of Recluce by LE Modesett,
Jr. This was the first book that I picked up and read again within half a day
of finishing the first read through. [did that with Twilight and do this
regularly now with TWS fan fiction] Along with Death of Chaos it describes ‘battle’
between chaos and order. In the end one realizes those are the extremes and not
balanced. Along with Tolkien’s Ring trilogy good reading for these uncertain
changing times in the present world.
Thursday 27 April: I am a reader. I don’t remember my
parents reading to me, but do remember them reading a lot. We would watch news
and maybe one TV show in evening, but other reading. I read mysteries, science
fiction/fantasy, some romance, some historical fiction, rare biography. The
books mentioned above are just the ones that have specific memories associated
with them.
Favorite Authors: Agatha Christy, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C
Clarke, Peter David, Andre Norton, Anne McCaffrey, Katherine Kurtz, Alan Dean
Foster, Sandi Layne
Favorite Fan Fiction Authors, on FFn: 2Brown-eyes, Mrs
Brownloe, Shouldbecleaning, Anton M, Katmom, LJ Summers, Virginia May,