20 May 2012

Story Recommendation for Memorial Day part 1

Time to transition story recommendation tribute from Mother's Day to Memorial Day.  Memorial Day is a day to honor our fallen military personnel. There is a story that really does that especially for Jasper, but I've not found it again. May we also remember the horrors of war so that we try harder to avoid it. 

This story takes place in the early days of WWII while the Cullens were living in Alaska. Hope you enjoy this piece about Emmett and Edward 'enlisting'. This was an entry into the Canon Tour PreTwilight.

Called to Serve by BellsJust Bells
In great times of need we are all called upon to serve our country in some way, whether you’re the walking dead or not. PreTwilight, rating PG13/T, one chapter that may or may not be complete. 


  1. thank you for sharing this fan fiction... I was actually a bit sad that it was just a shorty story I wanted a few chapters by the end of the page!

    I love having your point of view on the Fanfictions that way I don't loose myself and my time!

    1. hmm...won't let me reply while signed in??? anyway. This story is not marked complete, so there may be more coming. Hope so. Like to see them meet the Denali sisters.

  2. It's interesting that, like Carlisle in Abide With Me (sorry, I'm going backwards to read these)they all found a way to help during the war.

    I also would like to see them actually meet the Denali sisters.
