16 November 2011

Twilight Tuesday 15 Nov 11

Due to work schedule change and being more than a little tired last night, this posting about the third and final Twilight Tuesday, Eclipse is a day late.  This is Part 3 of my birthday celebration this year.  Part 4 will be Breaking Dawn, a little more than 24hrs.  So on with the report:

Julie Jones was the one to introduce this special material.  Showed the trailer for Eclipse.  Also showed footage from ComiCon and the premiere.  Then Julie, Booboo Stewart, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, and Taylor Lautner introduced their favorite scenes.  All very expected ones for each actor.  The bonfire scene for Julie, Booboo and Taylor.  Jasper's back story for Jackson.  Rosalie's back story for Nikki, didn't mention filmed the scene with her and friend's baby.  She mentioned they designed/made the coat she was wearing.  Taylor appeared via film at the studio they were using for everyone else.  He liked the Jacob/Bella especially and the J/B/Edward scenes.

One thing that was strange for all of these introductions was the camera angle.  Had them straight on to camera and then camera move to right while they continued talking straight ahead.  Kind of strange thing to do in my opinion.

It was nice to see the three movies again on big screen.  You notice things don't necessarily see from DVD on TV or computer screen.  I'd be willing to do it again next year before BD part 2.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't go see Twilight or New Moon on Twilight Tuesdays. I wanted to see New Moon, but decided I'd rather see Eclipse. Dollar-wise I couldn't see see both and Breaking Dawn too. I've seen Breaking Dawn 1 twice now, because 2 of the tickets were free passes. I waited specifically to use them for the best theater to see Breaking Dawn.
