30 November 2011

Traditional Marriage summary

This is borrowed with permission.  This is the best summary I've read about this issue and I agree with all the points made.  Of special concern is #8.  There are some serious unpleasant consequences very likely if we continue down this road of legalizing same sex marriages.  I am not against same sex civil unions, they should have all the same legal rights as a traditional married couple.  
Author's info at bottom.  

In response to a blurb floating around ff.net regarding gay marriage, here are some thoughts on traditional marriage...

1) Pristine wilderness, organic food, unpolluted drinking water, sustainable energy, and traditional marriage are good things that Americans ought to encourage and support.

2) Gay marriage is not about rights, it's about acceptance. Civil unions provide all the same legal rights as marriage, with the only difference between the two being the name. Legalizing gay marriage is an attempt to force people to accept homosexuality.

3) The same legal arguments that support gay marriage also support polygamy, polyandry, incest, and other relationships that society does not accept as valid.

4) Traditional marriage has been around a long time and hasn't significantly changed; it has even survived the burdens sometimes placed on it by misogynistic and racist cultures.

5) Brittany Spears' 55-hour marriage of convience is evidence that traditional marriage is already taken too lightly in American society and needs more protection, not less.

6) As an institution, gay marriage CANNOT produce children. Traditional marriage can. Children are our future.

7) There is a vast body of scientific evidence which states children learn behaviors and gender roles - both good and bad - from their parents.

8) Freedom of religious belief (including the belief that marriage is a sacred institution) is Constitutionally guaranteed. Governments outlawing as hate-speech against protected classes the belief that traditional marriage is ordained of God is a violation of First Amendment rights.

9) The best predictor of poverty in children isn't race or the educational level of their parents - it's single parenthood. Strong traditional marriages, with both a mother and a father in the home, is the best weapon we have against child poverty in America. Children are healthiest when they have positive role models for both genders. This happens best in traditional marriages, and for the health and wellbeing of children, traditional marriage ought to be encouraged and bolstered.

10) Traditional marriage is not just another aspect of American society, it is the bedrock of all societies. Technology, clothing styles, economies, religions, and governments all come and go, but the institutions of traditional marriages and families are foundational and enduring. Weakening the foundation destabilizes the entire structure.

11) It's wrong to throw rocks at people, shout ugly names at them, vandalize their houses with graffiti, or take away their employment without cause. This is true whether you are being cruel because they're gay or because they supported Proposition 8. Persecution by either side in the name of tolerance is an oxymoron.

If you agree with these statements, re-post them in your profile.

23 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I posted this to my Facebook page this morning.  Some may read this that aren't on Facebook.  Another thing I am grateful for is this blog as a creative outlet, a place to put thoughts and poems to share with others.  It is not updated as frequently as originally thought it would be.  Maybe with holidays and shorter work hours I may catch up on writing some thoughts to share.  

Good Morning!  Happy Thanksgiving!  For those traveling may you arrive safely and have an enjoyable time at your destinations.  I am grateful for a lot of things, what I’m going to mention here is you and Facebook.  It is a nice way to stay in touch, get back in touch and meet new friends.  Your posts make me laugh, cry, think, and stare in wonder and awe.  We share good times and bad times.  We multiply joy and divide sorrow.  Some I know better than others, some I’d like to know better than do, some I’ve never met and may never actually meet – all from various parts of my life – church, family, high school classmates, science fiction & Twilight fandom, Scottish organizations, work and other interests.  Thank you for being my friend.  May God bless you and yours now and throughout the year with all you may need.  

16 November 2011

Twilight Tuesday 15 Nov 11

Due to work schedule change and being more than a little tired last night, this posting about the third and final Twilight Tuesday, Eclipse is a day late.  This is Part 3 of my birthday celebration this year.  Part 4 will be Breaking Dawn, a little more than 24hrs.  So on with the report:

Julie Jones was the one to introduce this special material.  Showed the trailer for Eclipse.  Also showed footage from ComiCon and the premiere.  Then Julie, Booboo Stewart, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, and Taylor Lautner introduced their favorite scenes.  All very expected ones for each actor.  The bonfire scene for Julie, Booboo and Taylor.  Jasper's back story for Jackson.  Rosalie's back story for Nikki, didn't mention filmed the scene with her and friend's baby.  She mentioned they designed/made the coat she was wearing.  Taylor appeared via film at the studio they were using for everyone else.  He liked the Jacob/Bella especially and the J/B/Edward scenes.

One thing that was strange for all of these introductions was the camera angle.  Had them straight on to camera and then camera move to right while they continued talking straight ahead.  Kind of strange thing to do in my opinion.

It was nice to see the three movies again on big screen.  You notice things don't necessarily see from DVD on TV or computer screen.  I'd be willing to do it again next year before BD part 2.

08 November 2011

Twilight Tuesday 8 Nov 11

Twilight Tuesday, New Moon

Same as last time, being posted soon after getting home from the event.  There were about 15-20 people in the theatre.  That is smaller than I expected.  I thought the word would have gotten out and more people would be there.  Maybe the crowd won't happen until Breaking Dawn.

Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed were the two actors for the special footage before the film.  Jackson started off with acknowledging the fan support being how got to second film.  There were a few clips from ComiCon 2009.  Ashley Green with shoulder length hair.  Kristen Stewart with her Runaways hair.  Amazed at the fan support even after the year before.  Some clips from filming in Italy were shown - Chris Weitz commenting on secret American/Canada locations but here had thousands of people to watch.   They used winners of fan contests as extras in the St Marcus Day celebration.  Had clip of Robert as stepping out from clock tower with the dots all over to use when put the sparkle in later.  Also showed some clips from premiere.

Jackson and Nikki both narrated Jackson's favorite scene in New Moon.  It is the birthday party scene when Jasper goes all feral from a little paper cut.  Nikki mentioned that it was a late night filming and they were all kind of tired and punchy.  She would look away as a way to keep Rosalie in serious mode, liked looking at Emmett.  Both mentioned how this scene shows just how dangerous vampires can be.  [Bella pay attention.]

That is all I can remember.  If TL has a report from someone take better notes, I'll edit this.

01 November 2011

Twilight Tuesday 1 Nov 11

This is being posted soon after got home from the event.  I will review and may edit in the morning.  There are a couple of things that I don't recall details of, kind of hard to write in the dark.  Happy Birthday to me Part 1.   Wednesday morning Twilight Lexicon posted the favorite scene introductions by the four actors.

Twilight Tuesday 1 November 2011    Twilight

Jackson Rathbone introduced the special feature prior to the movie as something for the fans to enjoy and way to say thanks. 
All started with the Twilight trailer, which was then shown.
Then Nikki Reed introduced scenes from ComiCon 2008
            And full sequence of Robert Pattison playing Bella’ Lullaby
                        Apparently at school

Back to Jackson for favorite scene:  baseball game, he is not left handed so had to learn to hit lefty, fun with the baseball bat tricks

Back to Nikki and her favorite scene:  fixing dinner for Bella on her first visit to the Cullen family home -  first shot she actually cut her fingers and they just gave her some zebra stripped driving gloves to wear to cover it up, and also told to not get so close to Bella.

Julia Jones introduced her favorite scene:  when Bella walks into biology class first time.  [forgot what she said about it]

Booboo Stewart introduced his favorite scene:  the fight in ballet studio  [forgot what he said about it’

Jackson or Nikki introduced scenes from the premiere of Twilight, amazed at the fan support so big that early. 

Then Jackson wrapped up with intro to Breaking Dawn part 1 trailer, then Twilight movie.