Twilight Lexicon
By abbyweyr June 2011
A tribute to Twilight Lexicon
First there was a book
Then came fans
Then came fan fiction
Then came web sites
Alphie started a fan fic story
Stephenie reviewed it
Questions were asked
And answered
Info needed to be shared
And organized
With help from friends
Twilight Lexicon was born
Just a month after Alphie
Read the first book.
And within six months of
Book’s publication date
More friends helped and
Met more friends on line
They gathered information
And organized into a lexicon
You can find anything and everything
Twilight nicely categorized from
Books and movies and news
On Twilight Lexicon
They provide fans with the latest
News and pictures and videos
They traveled to Forks and movie sets
To share with fans all they can
There are forums for fans to discuss
All things Twilight and other general topics too
This provides a safe place for fans
To gather and meet others of like mind.
They have survived all the controversies
They have seen people leave in disgust
And new ones join in the Twilight universe
The longest continuous running Twilight site.
We thank you Alphie and Pel and all the
Forum leaders and helpful tech support
For keeping us up to date and providing a
Good clean place to hang out.