13 August 2024

Why I am supporting Democratic ticket for President


Why I am supporting Democratic ticket for President

[list not in any particular order]

*I want clean air to breathe and water to drink for everyone.

          Trumpites/MAGAites [TM] want to deregulate industries and allow pollution of air and water.

*I want science and facts to be used in making decisions.

*I want public lands to be kept public and developed in a minimal way for everyone to be able to enjoy nature.

          TM want to sell land for profit and develop without regard to nature.

*I want elected officials to be stable, healthy – mentally, emotionally, and physically. I want some happy, laughing, loving, positive people as our president. I want people to be respected.

          Evidence is pretty clear that 45 is a narcissist and not healthy. He wants power for himself. He doesn't care about people. He does not smile or laugh. He mocks people. He scowls. He is angry. He is hateful.

*I want the whole USA Constitution and laws & regulations to be protected and upheld, no one is above the law.

          45 is a convicted felon. He has said that he would be dictator on day one, one of few true things he has said. TM want revenge and retribution against any who oppose them.

*I want the Civil Service to be protected, jobs by merit and knowledge, not loyal to one person.

          TM want to replace current civil service members with loyalists to 45.

*I want democracy protected here and overseas. I want our allies to be democracies. Stay in NATO and other mutual international organizations.

          45 & TM follow and use dictators as role models.

*I want assault rifles to be illegal. I want national and interagency background checks and wait period to buy a gun.

          TM do not want any gun regulations.

*I want abortion to be a decision between the mother, her faith, her doctor, and maybe the father. It is a medical procedure best done safely and legally in clinic/office/hospital setting. Doctors should not have to worry about legalities with reproductive care of women. Women should not have to travel to another state to get safe legal reproductive care.

          TM want to make all abortions illegal. They will not provide support during pregnancy or after birth, just interested in the birth. They are willing to risk the life of mother in complicated pregnancies by forcing birth. They are willing to force young teenage girls go through a pregnancy and give birth and then abandon them.

          If you do not want abortions to be used for birth control, then provide low cost or free options -- birth control pills, IUD – and sex education in schools since parents aren’t doing their job at home. Best solution is to make vasectomies for all males capable of reproduction mandatory until they are able to be responsible in all ways for any child.

*I want separation between church and state.

          TM want to force everyone to be Christians and specifically their type of Christians. They want laws to be their specific Christian laws.

*I want all of history taught in schools, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

          TM want to whitewash history.

*I want public education to be funded. I want teachers to teach.

          TM want to do away with public education.

*I want the wealthy to be taxed to pay their share.

          TM want to give wealthy people and corporations tax breaks.

          Reagan trickle-down economics hasn’t worked. People and corporations are too greedy.

*I want the money Congress has ‘borrowed’ from Social Security to be returned. I want SS and MediCare to be funded.

          TM wants to do away with Social Security and MediCare – privatize it.

*I want every eligible citizen to be able to vote easily. National holiday. Vote by mail. Automatic voter registration.

           TM are against voting by mail. They change polling places to make it more difficult for people to vote.

*I want immigration reform.

          TM stopped a bipartisan bill from being passed so that immigration would remain an election issue.

*I want Congress to work together to put country above party and their own special interests. To have honest debates.

          TM want retribution against anyone who opposes them not matter the issue no matter what is good for country, just anger and hate.

*I want taxes to pay for NPR, PBS, and NEA (National Endowment for Arts). 

        TM wants to defund all these public art programs. 

 Added 14 August 2024:

*I want my taxes to go to NPR, PBS, NEA (National Endowment of Arts)

          TM want to defund them.


Added 21 August 2024, not specific to H&W but local politics that could apply nationwide and Democrats most likely do it:

*I want rent stabilization, limit percentage rent can increase, for apartments and mobile home/manufactured home parks.

*I want a limit to how many individual homes one person or corporation can own in an area to rent out. Limit how many can be short term vacation rentals, short term would be less than two months.

*I want term limits for Congress. Three maybe four terms for House of Representatives, so six to eight years total. Two maybe three terms for Senate, so 12 to 18 years total.

  Haven’t decided about Supreme Court term limits yet, maybe 20 years, and stagger the terms.

*I want any law/ordinance, national/state/county/city, making it illegal to collect rainwater repealed.