My thanks to Christine and Jim Johnston and Matt and Carol Hutchinson. I have been 'talking' all this over with them via email and texts. They have helped in asking some questions and making comments I hadn't thought of. Still have one major decision to make, which particular lot to put the home on.
Need to apply to Heritage Park management. Hopefully new bank pre-printed checks will arrive tomorrow and submit that. Then meet with builders and start on the list of particulars to leave as standard or upgrade. Depending on how busy the manufacturer is it could take three to six (3-6) months. The manufacturer is in Oregon. May take a road trip.
Exciting times. Hopefully deciding on the specific features will be less stressful than going forward this way rather than buying one already in place and choosing the exact model.
Prayers have been said throughout this process, sometimes more casually than formal. Answer today confirms I am where I am suppose to be. Peace knowing on correct path. Thank you to all that have been sending good thoughts and prayers for me on this move.
With this decision made, my energy and efforts can shift to going through the boxes and sell items not needed or wanted or donating. And spending some fun time taking pictures. Need to work on old computer WiFi bridge.
May change to posting once a week. Take care.